
!build_url!/40corn.gif (176 bytes)


HELP (If you are new to PowerSeek then please read below)
  • You can edit this front page template by going to the Control Panel >> To Do >> Generate Front Page >> Front Page Template
  • You can edit the style of the categories by going to the Control Panel >> To Do >> Generate Front Page >> Front Page Category Creation/Generation Settings
  • Note that there are many ways to create your front page with PowerSeek. One way is to use the front page template (like this one) and another way is to include (pull in) categories into a standard HTML page that is your front page. See the PowerSeek documentation for detailed information on each method of creating a front page.
  • You can include any headers or footers or other texts or HTML code in this page with template includes. For more on template includes go to the Control Panel >> Template Manager >> Create/Edit Template includes.
  • If you use the front page template option for your front page then you don't have to generate your front page.
  • If you click any of the category links and you get a 404 page not found error then it will mean that you are running a static directory and that you will need to generate your HTML files. To do that, go to the Control Panel >> To Do >> Generate HTML files - See the PowerSeek documentation for more on what a static and dynamic directory is.
  • If you are running a static directory then the links to categories will be static. If you are running a dynamic directory then the links to categories will be dynamic. See the PowerSeek documentation for more on what a static and dynamic directory is.